Visionary Voices

Visionary Voices is a platform dedicated to sharing bold ideas, lessons learned, and insights that can truly make a difference in philanthropy. Whether you’ve developed a unique strategy, discovered powerful lessons from challenges, or have expert advice to help others grow, your voice matters here. Stories of success—and the valuable insights gained along the way—have the power to inspire, connect, and spark conversations that move the sector forward. Share your expertise or personal experiences today, because the future of giving needs voices like yours. Contribute and be part of something bigger.

Nonprofits must evaluate their fundraising strategies to ensure resilience in the new year. The six questions in this article will help.

6 Fundraising Questions to Ask Yourself for 2025

As 2025 begins, nonprofits must evaluate their fundraising strategies to stay resilient and adaptive in a changing landscape. This blog highlights six essential questions to guide your planning, covering key areas like accepting non-cash gifts, implementing legacy giving strategies, diversifying revenue streams, and retaining talented development staff. It also explores the transformative role of AI tools and the critical importance of an engaged Board of Directors. By addressing these questions, your organization can uncover opportunities, tackle challenges, and set the stage for sustainable growth in the year ahead.

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A single, frowning pawn stepping out of the crowd, to symbolize the perception that the system is unfair.

The System Is Not Unfair

Fairness is subjective, often rooted in financial literacy gaps, not systemic bias. The system rewards those who understand its rules and take personal responsibility, while ignorance fuels the illusion of unfairness. Genuine inequalities exist but don’t define the entire system. This nation offers many free resources—take advantage of them. Blaming the system disempowers; mastering knowledge, strategy, and effort empowers. Success favors those who learn, adapt, and take control.

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Two men facing away - democrat and a republican

Next 4 Years: Thrive or Survive?

The next four years are yours to shape, no matter who sits in the Oval Office. In times of change, there are three types of people: the delusional, the passive, and the ones who take control and make it happen. Success isn’t about luck—it’s about mindset, action, and personal growth. While the world around you may be chaotic, you have the power to focus on what you can control: your mindset, your skills, and your network. Stop waiting for someone else to change things for you. Will you rise, or will you let life happen to you like the 98% who do nothing but hope and complain? The choice is yours.

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2025 Goal Setting

Ten Resolutions to Move Your Nonprofit Forward in 2025

You’ve had 365 days to keep your 2024 New Year’s resolutions—how well did you do? Statistics show that if you’re like most Americans, over 80% of those resolutions were toast by February. But, since you’re here reading Philanthropy.Org, I’m hopeful you’re among the 8% who wrote their resolutions down, and then actually kept it.

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A picture of a woman applauding at a gala dinner, to illustrate a blog post concept that philanthropy comes from the heart and is not all about ritzy fundraisers.

The Art of Giving vs. Tuxedos and Hors d’Oeuvres

Philanthropy: Heart Over Glitz! When we think of philanthropy, it’s easy to picture glamorous galas, tuxedos, and polished speeches. But true giving isn’t about appearances; it’s about connection. It’s about seeing someone’s need, extending a hand, and recognizing our shared humanity. From small gestures, like a simple brownie shared in a dark time, to life-altering mentorships, the essence of philanthropy lies in the heart behind the act. This isn’t about wealth or prestige—it’s about kindness and the power it has to transform lives. Let’s explore how authentic generosity, no matter the scale, can create ripples of meaningful change.

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A picture of a woman looking out a window open to opportunities, to symbolize the opportunities the Great Wealth Transfer presents. Nonprofits that focus on estate planning and planned giving stand to benefit the most.

Window of Opportunity for Nonprofits

You do not have much time. Over the next fifteen years, Baby Boomers will pass along a staggering $84 trillion to their heirs and to the causes they care about—an incredible $12 trillion of which could land in nonprofit coffers. Is your organization ready to claim its share of this once-in-a-generation opportunity? Setting up a planned giving program doesn’t just secure your mission’s future; it also boosts your nonprofit career. Keep reading to find out why planned giving is the key to unlocking lasting financial stability, deeper donor connections, and valuable leadership opportunities in the sector.

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Senior looking into the future to make an impact.

Smarter Giving: How Seniors Can Make an Impact and Save on Taxes

Did you know giving to charity can save you money on taxes while making a real difference? Surprisingly, fewer than 40% of wealthy retirees know about tools like Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) and Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) that help them give smarter. If you’re 70½ or older, QCDs let you donate directly from your IRA, lowering your taxable income and helping you meet Required Minimum Distributions to avoid penalties. DAFs, on the other hand, offer flexibility to donate now, decide later, and even grow your contributions tax-free. Learn how these strategies can work together to maximize your impact and align your giving with your goals.

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Thora, a Norwegian Elkhound

The Real Cost of Pet Ownership

Thirty years ago, I said goodbye to Thora, my loyal Norwegian Elkhound, as she gave me one last, loving lick—a silent goodbye that still lingers in my heart. Pets teach us unconditional love, but their time with us is far too short, leaving behind lessons in loyalty and the need to plan ahead. From my Yorkie Chloe’s antics to my sister’s legacy fund for UC Davis Veterinary School, I’ve seen how planning can turn love into lasting impact. Pets enrich our lives, but their care—and the inevitable heartbreak—require foresight. Let’s honor their love by preparing for both their joy and their loss.

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A stack of wooden blocks meant to represent the concept of focusing on estate planning for retirees, and not focusing on just the ultra wealthy.

Rethinking Estate and Charitable Planning: Insights Beyond the Ultra-Wealthy

Rather than fixating on the ultra-wealthy, whose financial maneuvers dominate headlines but offer limited societal impact, we should shift focus to wealthy retirees—a much larger, reachable group navigating real financial challenges. These individuals, who have diligently saved through 401(k)s and IRAs, face issues like managing Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and effective estate planning. Tools such as Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) and Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) provide retirees with opportunities to reduce taxes, secure their legacies, and amplify their philanthropic impact. By engaging this demographic with proven strategies, fundraisers can foster meaningful giving that benefits both families and communities, driving scalable and lasting change.

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