While we may be a newer platform, our prominent domain name has already attracted considerable attention, resulting in a growing number of guest submission requests. This is just the beginning, and we anticipate further growth in interest as we continue to expand.
We welcome submissions from esteemed industry experts who wish to have their articles featured not only on Philanthropy.org but also in our highly regarded magazine, Giving Today & Tomorrow (formerly Giving Tomorrow). Both platforms reach an influential audience of fundraisers, development professionals, consultants, and nonprofit decision-makers who value insightful, high-caliber content.
Given the sophistication of our audience, we’ve created a clear submission policy to ensure that your article is the right fit before you submit.
We are interested in articles that align with the themes and needs of the nonprofit and philanthropy sectors. Topics may include:
At this time, we are delighted to offer complimentary publication for accepted articles. This policy may evolve, but early adopters will be grandfathered in. Posts will remain on our website indefinitely, although we reserve the right to remove content at our discretion.
Our editorial team carefully reviews each pitch, assessing its relevance, quality, SEO viability, and readability. Please adhere to the following:
Accepted posts will be published exclusively on Philanthropy.org. In select cases, they may also appear in Giving Tomorrow (will be summarized down to 600 words or less) or on our Center for Major Gifts blog. All editorial decisions are final.
Our editorial team reserves the right to:
Successful submissions teach our audience something new, are high-quality, and resonate with both novice and experienced professionals. Keep these guidelines in mind:
We are not responsible for factual errors, broken links, or misinformation in guest posts.
Ready to share your expertise with a discerning audience? Excellent. Submitting your work to Philanthropy.org offers unparalleled visibility within the upper echelon of the nonprofit sector. For those new to the philanthropy space, having your work featured on such a reputable platform can be a valuable addition to your résumé and an excellent boost to your career.
Be sure to include all relevant contact information to ensure your submission receives prompt attention.
Submit your ideas to: succeed@plannedgiving.com
Join the top 1% today. We see things through a different lens — and soon, you will, too.
Submit your ideas to: succeed@plannedgiving.com
We’re new, we’re growing, and we’d love for you to be part of it. Join the conversation, share your expertise, and explore Strategic Alliances that shape the future of philanthropy. Exciting opportunities are ahead.
Interested in business collaborations under this premium domain? Let’s talk. Contact us at success@majorgifts.com or call 800-490-7090.