Our mission is to transport you to success by sharing narratives that inspire and spark conversations about philanthropy and donor care. Increasing awareness on marketing best practices is the best way to help nonprofits raise more and larger gifts, and that personal development is the key to success.

Why Subscribe?

  • Philanthropy landscape is in a state of fluxGiving Tomorrow is packed with research-based articles from thought leaders across the nation.
  • It’s the first and only magazine devoted to marketing planned, major, and blended gifts.
  • You are wired to be proactive and want to grow. Along with your free subscription to Weekly Assets, it becomes even more of a proactive journey.
  • It’s printed in full-color and arrives in your hands via U.S. Mail. Digital copies available.
  • It’s for thought leaders and the success minded.
  • It’s for those who understand fundraising is a business.
  • You’ll join the top 1%.
  • You’ll learn how to create success in your life and in your career.

Packed With Valuable Information

  • Interviews with the best and brightest from the philanthropy and business worlds.
  • Expert opinions on current trends.
  • Exclusive tips, tricks, and advice. What makes successful people “tick.”
  • Articles on sustainability, personal and professional development, networking, marketing, stats, infographics, and best practices.
  • Technical columns.
  • Inspiration, motivation and personal stories.

Subscription Benefits

By subscribing you are joining our network of professionals — the top 1%. We see things through a different lens — and soon you will, too. You’ll receive 12 print issues a year — but the benefits don’t stop there.

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